Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thing 23. I'm Done!

I made it to the top, finally! Encountered some very rough terrain and many obstacles along the way. The temptation to turn back was overwhelming at times, due to frustration and the lack of time to work on the "things". I only got to the "top" with the help and support from others and it was most appreciated!

I had many fun times also...laughed at myself often. I am glad that I persevered to the was quite satisfying. I will definitely revisit a few of the "things" and try to learn more when the time constraints aren't present.

I was reading the paper and came across an article in the Sunday Source section of the Washington Post, November 4 about blogging, titled "Be More than a Blip in the Blogospere". I am proud to say that the terminology was not foreign to me as it would have been pre "23 things"!

I've come along way but I have mucho miles to go!

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